Friday, 26 March 2021

Friday 26th March

 First of all I would like to say

Big Happy Birthday to my eldest son, Forty today

How did that happen..........?

Joining in with I live, I Love, I craft Scavenger Hunt 

Light & Dark

I still have my Mothering Sunday flowers.  
The Lilies are just opening


  1. Hi Julie, My lot are 56, 54 and 50. Unbelievable isn't it?
    They've got more aches than I have, lol
    Your son is very handsome, you should be proud.
    Hope you are okay

  2. Attractive looking young man Julie. My daughter (I only have the one) will be 49 this year...phew time so flies :-) Beautiful flowers...that lily is fabulous! keep well Amanda x Crafty in the Med

  3. Beautiful flowers - I love that lilies promise so much while they are closed then once they open they are a symphony of visual delight and glorious scent. Happy birthday to your son 🍰

  4. Happy birthday to your son, he's a very good looking guy and looks at least ten years younger than you say he is :) I love the flowers, the lily is gorgeous :)

  5. Happy birthday to your son. He sure is one handsome man!

  6. Those lilies are gorgeous, definitely light and dark. When your 'youngest' is 53 you do wonder where the years got to. Happy birthday to your son, he is a good looking young man. x

  7. It never ceases to amaze me as to how the years pass by. You've had 40 years of happiness with your son, and more to come!

  8. Happy birthday to your young man. Our girls will be 49(stepsisters) & our 2 boys are now 44 & 43. Wow, where does the time go? Love the dark & light pink Alstroemarias & the lilies probably smelled beautiful. Take care, stay safe & hugs.

  9. Happy birthday to your handsome son - younger folks birthdays definitely make you feel your own age!
    Lovely contrast of light and dark in your flowers.

  10. Happy belated Birthday to your son, what a cutie!
    I love the light and dark you chose, the flowers are so lovely.
