Friday 31 January 2020

31st January - catch-up

One week without the internet.  
It kept showing up on my TV 
"can't connect to internet please check your cable between your router and phone socket then restart the router."
I asked a friend's son to look at the it for me.  I can use a computer but not that technically minded.  
He popped in on way home from work and within five minutes he said I need router.  The following day I contacted my service provider.  It took them from 9am to 3,45pm via text messages to say I needed a new router which duly arrived yesterday,  They originally told me 1-2 days but the text quickly changed to 2-5 days but it arrived the next day.
I never contacted them immediately as at first the problem was intermittent, but by Sunday I was feeling isolated because it was another of my grandchildren's birthday this one is in New Zealand and was three on Sunday.

I think she loved her binoculars and her Unicorn Tshirt

I also missed these two too with their new hair do!

Mind you no internet I was able to go off and do something else instead!

I've been patchworking, knitting and sorting - lots of sorting!  

I like the internet and Instagram but it is a great time-waster..........


  1. The problem with the internet (and computers) is a bit of a double edged sword - they are a terrible time consumer yet without them we are lost (but things get done!)

  2. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I had no idea you had started posting again and am looking forward to catching up.
    Yes, I'm guilty of wasting time online but would feel lost without it. X

  3. Good news you are back up and running online again. We don't realise how much we use technology for until its not there. I'm no techno minded either.
    Your girls look so cute!

  4. Hi Julie, hope you are well. I agree about the Instagram etc, I waste so much time playing scrabble and cards, lol. I make a lot in my head though, ha ha.

  5. It's certainly a time waster but a very fun one!
