Saturday 23 January 2021

Saturday 23rd January 2021

The Moon 

This weeks photo, joining with I've joined the I live, I Love, I craft Scavenger Hunt again. 
I'm sorry I do not have any moon photos and everyone else's are so beautiful. 
My post is a bit educational  -  sorry........

  • new Moon.
  • waxing crescent Moon.
  • first quarter Moon.
  • waxing gibbous Moon.
  • full Moon.
  • waning gibbous Moon.
  • last quarter Moon.
  • waning crescent Moon.

The next full Moon in the UK

The next full Moon can be seen on 28 January 2021. The so-called ‘Wolf Moon’ will appear for around three nights.

A full Moon happens roughly every 29.5 days, the length of one lunar cycle. You can see details of each full Moon of 2021 (including every Moon’s dedicated name) below.

28 January: Wolf Moon

27 February: Snow Moon

28 March: Worm Moon

27 April: Pink Moon (supermoon)

26 May: Flower Moon/Blood Moon (supermoon)

24 June: Strawberry Moon

24 July: Buck Moon

22 August: Sturgeon Moon

21 September: Harvest Moon

20 October: Hunter’s Moon

19 November: Beaver Moon (micro full Moon)

19 December: Cold Moon

Blue Moon

When the Full Moon appears twice in the same month which, it doesn't happens that often hence the saying Once in a Blue Moon

(Sourced from google)


  1. Very instructive Julie! Lot of new details for me here and lots I didn't know! keep well Amanda x Crafty in the Med

  2. I had heard of harvest moon and blue moon before but the other names were new to me. I'll have to go learn more about them. Thanks for pointing them out.

  3. Great information about the moon. I have to admit to lacking knowledge about the moon. Will look out for the Wolf Moon etc.

  4. I love that they all have a name :)

  5. I love the names of the moons for each month, I've heard of the harvest moon and the hunter's moon but not the others so thanks for educating me :-)

  6. Mad Englishwoman commented on my Moon pictures about waxing and waning moons which sent me off on a search only to find that my South African pictures of the moon were in reverse. I know so little about the moon; I just took it for granted, up there in the sky, not realising it was the other way round here in the northern hemisphere. Been an interest choice of words this week, very educational. Love all the different names you have listed. Only knew of four of them. x

  7. I had no idea that there were so many different moons 😃
