Friday, 19 February 2021

Friday 19th February


 Joining in with I live, I Love, I craft Scavenger Hunt 

Two video calls from my son in New Zealand.  One last Sunday and one just now, both occasions, as I answered my 4year old granddaughter's beautiful smile saying Hello Nanny.  This morning for me was her opening parcels, book for her and the jumper for her brother.

This is unexpected too!  

My friend knows I love Amaryllis bulbs. Big blousy show off of the bulb world.

This poor bulb had a bit of a rough start

I opened the box to find it had been packed upside down. 

Turned it up right way and potted it up

And it grew......
Its very pretty though with white petals pink edges


  1. It always amazes me how plants recover and manage to turn themselves around and not only survive but thrive - Beautiful amaryllis x

  2. I was given one at Christmas and it had been on its side and was growing crooked like yours but like yours it straightened up and grew into a beautiful erect flower. Its colour was described as Apple Blossom and it looks very similar to your beautiful specimen x.

  3. We used to have one of these too ... we managed to keep it for a few years, just popping it in the shed once it had finished flowering and bringing it back out when it started to sprout 😃

  4. What a struggle it had but in the end it won. Seems like I'm not the only one whose bulb shoot started out crooked but straightened itself in the end. I might get myself one later this year as it's been several years since I had one.

  5. Great you have been able to chat with your grand-daughter in NZ. I bet that made your day! :-) Beautiful Amaryllis.... :-) keep well Amanda x Crafty in the Med

  6. Poor bulb being packed upside down, but at least it came good and turned into a beautiful flower. The video chat with your granddaughter must have made your day :)

  7. Video chats are always nice with family.
    It bloomed beautifully in spite of the packaging!

  8. Hello Julie , I do love Amaryllis !p.s Thanks for your kind message, mission accomplished ! lol ! :) X
