Sunday 16 August 2020

Sunday 16 August

Two seasons one week

Up until Thursday it was so hot!  Don't get me wrong I don't mind warm or hot weather but by Wednesday and Thursday it was far to hot for me!  I was indoors watching films.  I was unable to knit or stitch.  Woke up on Friday morning to rain.  Much cooler for me any rate!

On Friday morning I took my first foray back into Morrison's.  I did my own shopping.  My friend Jane has been doing it since she came back from Spain in March!  We went at 7am.  I don't mind shopping at that time I function better early morning!

The Crocosmia in my garden is as bright and hot looking as the sun.


  1. I love the warmth and the sun but even I sought shelter in shady corners, it was so bright and humid, now we've reverted to our normal grey driech stuff, where's the sun gone!?!

  2. Could certainly do with some of your rain over here...such a shame to see everything so parched...all the vegetation in the park in front of my apartment has a tired look to it. The council have been hose piping down the streets in our neighborhood this last week. The birds were having a field day in the puddles. I am a sun lover but I keep to the shade in August. keep well Amanda x
