Sunday 30 August 2020

Sunday 30th August


Well they're saying things are trying to get back to normal, whatever "normal" is.... 

The schools are going back, people taking holidays even me!  Well hopefully staying with my son and Daughter-in-law soon, that is a holiday to me and I'm happy with that, and the job centre on my back!  Don't get me started on the job centre subject......... I'm like many other ladies didn't get my pension at sixty so now I'm sixty-four, a widow and no pension and hasn't worked since April 2012 I'm expected to go out and find a job...........  Probably like many others in my situation but I think it is totally unfair and think the youngsters who Need jobs I wouldn't want to take a job from them.

I found a charity shop that was taking stuff now, and the lady whom I contacted happily collected sixteen bags and a suitcase.

I'm hopefully seeing my son and daughter-in-law soon and I can give them their Christmas present from last Christmas.  
You can read about it here

In one of my many spare moments I trawled through the internet, Instagram in particular.  I spotted this quilt top.  I searched down the pattern and purchased it from here.  It can also be seen here

I am pleased the way it turned out, just working out how to quilt it now.  I haven't quilted the one I showed last week yet as again working out how to quilt it!


  1. The charity shop was good to take so many bags. They seem to have a limit on what they will take here. I'm sorry about the job centre situation. I don't have a clue where pensions are concerned but I'm hoping to start paying much more into mine in the next few years. I hope you can come to some sort of solution. X

  2. I live right beside a school. The children are supposed to be going back to school here as well but there was just a crowd of parents outside complaining and no children there today. It is so confusing no one seems to know!! Pensions took me nigh on a year to get mine sorted. Lovely quilt top!!! Amanda x

  3. Your quilt is beautiful. Arilx
